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Writer's pictureΑντιγόνη Παγώνα

ASK THE ARTIST: 12 questions & a joke with Antigoni Pagona

Updated: Nov 13, 2023


Q: If there was a favourite work of art you could hang or display in your home, which would it be?

AP: My favourite would be "The Stand" from the artist Dimitri Sirenko. I came across his work on Facebook in AAA Shared Artworks group and I would love to see it in person one day. He inspires me to go further with my paintings!

This one in particular because I love the sea with rocks

THE STAND - Dimitri Sirenko - Oil on canvas - 24 x 36 inches

Q: If there was one dead artist that you could hang out with for a day, who would that be? Why?

AP: As I am also an Interior Designer, I will say Antoni Gaudi. He is a multi-faceted artist working with mosaics, wrought iron, furniture, and architecture. His work is very organic and contemporary ahead of its time. Barcelona has an explosion of Gaudi's influence.

Antoni Gaudi & examples of his work in Barcelona, Spain

“Color in certain places has the great value of making the outlines and structural planes seem more energetic.”

“The great book, always open and which we should make an effort to read, is that of Nature.”

– Antoni Gaudi, Spanish architect & artist (1852-1926)

Q: If there were a magic power you could use in your art making, what would it be?

AP: To stop time so I could work as long as I wanted while all my other obligations just froze... and to levitate, so I could float and create, my back would never hurt.

Q: If we were going to talk about your art, where would you want to start?

AP: I am an artist and a designer

Q: What quality in others makes you want to slap them?

AP: Pessimism.

Q: Art is so subjective, what kind of art is unappealing to you?

AP: Art manifests itself everywhere and its value depends on who is perceiving it. I'm only repelled by grotesque and violent art.

Q: What's the best piece of advice you've been given as far as your art, inspiration or career?

AP: Create your vision and stick with it. Maintain a daily commitment of work to keep the portals open.

Q: What is the most important for you... the subject, the process or the final work?

AP: It's all about the process... that IS the fun part! And it is the act of creating, getting messy and wearing my apron that makes me feel like an artist.

Q: If your work was edible, what would it taste like?

AP: Refreshing and not too sweet and makes you smile when you taste it... maybe it's a cocktail???

Q: What is the one thing you need in your art studio to work, other than your art supplies?

AP: More time.

Q: What is your most favourite piece of your artwork, and why?

AP: I must say "Another Dimension". When I was a kid, I was fascinated with astronomy and I was always reading science-fiction / science-fantasy books. This painting reminds me of my imagination then on how other planets look like.

"Another Dimension" - 50 x 70 cm - Acrylics (2019)

Q: In the era of the internet, why do you choose to continue to work with galleries?

AP: People must see original artwork first hand. It is not enough to view a painting photographically. Photography in itself and at its best is art, just not painting. When you see a painting on the net it is the poor cousin of the original. At the very least, galleries serve this most important function... they also perform many services in the promotion of an artist. Plus... art shows are fun!

Q: Now the best part, tell us a joke.

AP: Pun of the day. When artists dream in colour it's a pigment of their imagination.

Photograph taken by Antigoni Pagona, 2021

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